Day 5 of 7 days of lovely logic 

by | May 19, 2016 | Inspiration | 0 comments

Envy envy envy, it’s almost like the saying curiosity killed the cat. Comparing yourself to others is like that, it is killing your chances. I know some of you may say “but I’m getting inspired” are you really? If you sit there comparing yourself to others what are you doing about your life? Nothing. You are doing nothing but wasting time, you can only look so much, you can only compare so much. That is not going to change your reality. You don’t know what those people had to do to get to were they are, some people sell their souls, can you handle that? Some people forsake their friends and family, can you handle that? Some people are alone in their success, can you handle that? Why do people always compare themselves to others, without knowing how the other person got to where they are? The path to success is not always straight, be careful what you wish for when you are comparing yourself to other people. Walk in your own path and get to where you want to reach, your path will be different from even that of your mentor.

Self- Reflection

I get people who tell me ohh you don’t seem your age, you own your own place, drive your own car, and  pay for your education, I am so proud of you if only …. and then the go on comparing their kids, friend’s kids, or even themselves. It’s all flattering don’t get me wrong but you don’t know my struggle. You don’t know the days I go with my bank in override, the extra hours I have to work to make it at the end of the month, the amount of assignments I have to turn in each week, the number of classes I’m taking each term, or the amount of books I’m reading each week and for all those material people, the last time I bought a nice dress, shoes, jewelry. Yes, I drive a nice car, I have my own place, and I am proud of myself for that but chances are you probably can’t handle the amount of activities going on in my life, the amount of stress I have, or the amount of  to sleep I get. I used to compare myself to others, if only I went to college right after high school then I wouldn’t be working a job I hate while still going to school. I would be finished with my BA like some of my fellow high school graduates. If only I had more money I would be traveling like that other 23 year old posting pictures on Instagram. But that kind of comparing is envy and unproductive, that’s not my life, and I can be doing something about my life now instead of wasting time looking at other people’s lives. What is that going to do for me? Nothing.

It’s not going to pay my lease, or my car payment, it’s just wasting my time. So I don’t, now I work on my life being great for me, and my family.

Focus on what is important, and stop being blindsided but flashy stuff. You have no idea how the people you are envying got there.




Written by katongo

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